Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Back in the game, again!!

I know I am always saying I've been busy. But this time, I really WAS very busy. Three weeks after my last post, we were busy doing this:

Best. Day. Ever.

Then, we went off on a lovely honeymoon. We went with an animal theme. A week in Turkey, a week in Wales. Nice and diverse! And very relaxing. Purrfect. 

Cocktails and a swim..

..topped off with a little bit of Lake Vyrnwy :)

Then, just before Xmas, we were terribly busy running around like mad people selling this:

No longer on the market indeed!!

The flat that we still owned in London that was creating a bit of hot water for us in Bath! Second. Best. Thing. Ever! 

I have lots of exciting plans for 2012, many involving machines. Bicycling machines, typing machines, sewing machines, rowing machines! It's great to think that perhaps we will have a bit of time to relax, do some things that we love, see people who live near and far, and enjoy being in the Bath! 

Lots of love and see you soon!

1 comment:

  1. CONGRATULATIONS! I want to see pictures please :-)
    i.e. in real life! hehe
