Yes well that is a good question. I was somewhat surprised to find myself in Bath.
My then boyfriend, now husband, applied for a job here in 2010. It was a fairly competitive job and we were quite prepared for him not to get it, enter the normal job lottery that awards junior doctor jobs, and be herded off to Norfolk or mid Wales or Yorkshire at the whim of an anonymous job-form scoring man. In fact, we were totally prepared for him not to get it and not at all prepared for him to get it. Obviously, he got it.
I was very delighted for him but also slightly dismayed. I was enjoying living in London and finally knew more than two people in the city where I lived, something which hadn't happened since I graduated! Anyway. We are settling into Bath and it is very nice and provides many things which London didn't, mostly centered around there being more space to live and play.
Geography aside, I am very rarely surprised to find myself IN the bath. The bath is one of my favourite places to be. ESPECIALLY if it is outside (this doesn't happen much!). I also enjoy a good hot spa jacuzzi thing, a trait I think I have inherited from my mother.
I am really happy to see you here, hope you feel welcome and hope to see you soon!
H xxxx :D