Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Bath Time

Being in Bath (as opposed to the bath) is a new thing. Bf and I moved down from London last year and it has required more adjustment than I expected. Lots of things have happened since we moved, some wonderful and some very sad, and along with the new house, new jobs, new people and new city it has been a lot to take in. HOWEVER one brilliant thing about living here is that we have a LOT more space (to have people to stay and to store both 1. fun stuff and 2. bf's collection of ever so learned and ever so important and cannot under any circumstances be chucked out or accidently ruined and therefore oh dear might as well be got rid of  papers). Also, and even more brilliantly, we have a garden!

If you are in the UK you will know that we are currently experiencing an unseasonal mini summer (hopefully this is a taster of what's to come and not our actual summer, that would be +++ sad!). Sunglasses, flipflops and flowing skirts have been broken out and today there was a girl on my very humid train in denim hotpants so short that you could see her bum. The train was full and she was rubbing her bum against the back of my seat as the train swayed. The man opposite had to suddenly read this morning's Metro. I alternated between terrible jealousy and mild disapproval (I am nearly 30 after all. Everyone should shop at White Stuff, no? ;o) )

Anyway, back to the domestic side of things. We ignored the garden when we first moved in and got a bit of a shock when spring came, it defrosted and turned itself into the South West's answer to Wisley. It is quite nice out there and although I still view gardening as being almost as bad as housework we have had a lovely time out there over the last few days. Lots of flash BBQs, plus bf has been enjoying lazing around in a hammock that I bought from a pirate museum when I was 12. Massive bargain! Here's a pic of the hammock, plus BBQ which I think looks a bit like it's plotting to scuttle off somewhere. It actually belongs to the landlord so perhaps it wants to follow him to France for the summer (having wintered here in the shed hanging with the hoes; not much fun to be had for BBQs in the Alps over winter I would imagine).

Now we have a garden, we have done the predictable late 20's thing of trying to grow something useful in it. Here are our courgettes and butternut squi. They are babies here; they have gone supermegagiant in the three weeks since this was taken! Oh how quickly they grow up! Am so glad I have been here for this important time! Enjoy them whilst they're small, they'll never be that little again! Boil them and eat them! Hehehe!!

The kids on holiday at my mum and dad's house. Courgettes on the right, squi on the left. The courgs grew faster than the squash. That monster one started growing about 4 days after we planted it!

Age 14 days. He has definitely regained his birth weight!

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