Monday, 21 May 2012

Making the weekend

We had a great weekend! Saw lots of family at Granny's 90th (NINETY!!!) on Saturday. We went to a restaurant and had a lovely lunch. There were 23 of us. Productive 90 years!

There was some debate beforehand over whether anyone would want to eat a birthday cake. It is however surely a complete travesty to have a birthday party without a cake. So we compromised and had cupcakes. I made them and althought they look a bit strange in the picture above, they disappeared fast so overall = success.

The pic above shows the second batch I made. The first batch, gah, I forgot to put the eggs in. Cunningly disguised this by filling with yoghurt and giving them to various friendly visitors as puddings.

Next weekend we are popping round to see Husband's brother and family. I have made them this tea cosy. I wish I'd outlined the letters in blue, but overall am vhugely pleased with it. It is the fourth one I've made and the first one that I haven't messed up too badly and been left with a massive snagged wrinkle.

Oh I love tea :) The sewing machine has been behaving recently which has meant that I can spend more than ten minutes sitting in front of it before getting too tense about the tension issues! Sadly though the bulb has blown and the sewiing table is dark and the sewing machine is from the 1960s. I am going to have to go on a bit of a hunt at the weekend.

We went for a very pleasing walk yesterday, in a small village near Bath. In fact it could almost be considered the plughole of Bath, lying in a dip at the bottom end of the city. A five minute drive and we were in the countryside tramping though streams in our wellies. Wellies and streams are very pleasing. Who needs free museums?!

Friday, 18 May 2012

Toasty ears

So, if you know Husband, you will know he is Super Cool. He is Down with the Kids. He is an Uber Trendsetter.

These traits meant that he was becoming increasingly unhappy with his headphones. They were free onesI had got off a drug rep at a conference (pretty good freebie I thought, right?). He claimed he wanted ones with better sound.. but I know that secretly he wanted ones that looked BETTER. In keeping with his bad self. I also suspect that he wanted them to fit in with the headphones of the other people on the bus.

So, he bought a massive pair of headphones. They are big and cream and quite amazing. I was with him when he bought them. They also come in black and powder pink.. When we were in the shop, it became clear that he couldn't tell the difference between the cream ones and the pink ones (he's colour blind). OH OH it was tempting not to say anything as he admired the pink ones. But in the end, the cream ones were chosen. 

They are very large and um, cream. They needed a safe place to go when in his bag. His bag deserves a blog of its very own. To keep things succinct, I will just say that it is a place that papers, old plastic lunchboxes and cookie bags go to decompose. One day perhaps evolution will occur and a new superhero might emerge and we will be rich. Until then, however, it was necessary to protect the headphones from the bag. So I made them a little padded bag, from my old jumper and his old shirt:

I think this case makes him even more super cool. He has managed to maintain his status as Trendiest Man in the Office. I believe he even managed to keep an air of cool when one of his colleagues walked in, saw him wearing the headphones, and asked him if he was 'planning to land a plane'. Heeeheheheee! Aww. Love.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Springy Bath part 2

Back from my meeting! Bonus = the food I had left in the fridge was only slightly out of date so I am also well fed :)

More spring things:

We went to the Gower with Tom and Barbara, our friends who we share the Bath with. It was brilliant. The idea was to go surfing but we had such lovely weather that we thought we'd go for a walk. It turned into an epic march to the end of Worm's Head. Well, I say the end of it. What actually happened was we got to the rocky section you see there, clambered around for quite a while, became starving, and went to the pub for lunch. All in all we walked for nearly 10 miles. Then we went for a quick surf. Then we went to the pub for more food and brilliant scrumpy. Then we fell into comas and were exhausted ALL WEEK. It was worth it though. I got some great photos!!

 We also went to Yorkshire to visit Dobbie. We managed to get a quick surf in there, too. Well actually I went bodyboarding. I really enjoyed bodyboarding and so did Dobbie. Husband tried to be a gnarly surfer but the strong current meant he mostly ended up getting washed into the pier :)
Saltburn - ahhh!!

I have not given up on my crafty persuits and have several exciting projects to share with you over the next week or so (assuming blogging motivation holds up..!). Hope you are having sunny Springs too!

Spring in the Bath!

Ooh, lots of brilliant things have been going on since we last spoke. Firstly, we purchased an Easter Island Head on impulse. Sadly he was from Homebase and not Polynesia but he is a fair bit more accessible to us than if he were from Polynesia so we are grateful for him anyway. We have called him Mystic Stephen and are very pleased with him. Can see him from the kitchen and he is a very calming presence. Also (mystically) at night time, a shaft of light from the window falls on his face so he can be seen at all times!
Peeking out!

Secondly, it was Easter. My parents and brother and his girlfriend came round and we ate a LOT. Mum arrived with as many cakes as I'd already baked. We also roasted a leg of lamb and had amazing roast new potatoes that I somehow managed to produce. We then went for a very hilly walk, and ate some scones. All in all it was very nice and when they had left we very quickly finished up any residual chocolate and cakes and ahem ten easter eggs so that was good (I always think good idea to eat them v quickly so that diet can start sooner, rather than spreading it out and failing to be on diet for another three weeks due to temptation in cupboard. I know the total calorie intake is the same but surely this works out better somehow?!)
Also, it was Dobbie-the-Aunt's birthday. She took us out for a lovely lunch and then we had this brilliant cake made by DesertVicky (she fled the country in a surprise move so I won't link to her website just at the moment!). It was delicious. The sheep are made from those toasted coconut things like the ones you get at M&S, with choc button faces! Dobbie lives in a place called Shepherd Hill so the cake was meant to look like a Shepherd Hill. Total success! And who doesn't like a day of cake, champagne, family and birthday cheer?!

I have a meeting in a  bit so will be back with more later. Must go and see if the food that I left in the fridge five days ago is still a) there and b) relatively sterile (doubtful!)

See you soon!